Government and regulators |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Provide access to spectrum and
operating licences, the basis for
creating value.
- Impose regulatory measures
with potential cost implications.
- Ensuring spectrum is managed as a
strategic resource, contributing to
national broadband access and the digital
economy, especially in underserviced and
rural markets.
- Promoting opportunities for job creation
and socioeconomic development
(including transformation and localisation).
- Protecting consumer interests on service
quality, costs and privacy.
- Regulatory compliance on issues such as
mobile termination rates, price, security,
safety, health and environmental
- Contribution to the tax base.
- Regulatory report 2016
- Public finances 2016
- Sustainability report 2016
- Delivering social value
- Promoting BEE in South Africa
- Safety, Health and wellbeing
- Responsible environmental management
Customers |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Purchase our products and
services, providing the basis for
revenue growth.
- Faster data networks and wider coverage.
- Better value offerings.
- Data usage.
- Making it simpler and quicker to deal
with us.
- Converged solutions for business
- Privacy of information.
- Sustainability report 2016
- Products and service responsibility
- Vodafone law enforcement
disclosure report 2016
Investors and shareholders |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Provide the financial capital
needed to sustain and grow.
- Strategy to ensure sustained financial
- Responsible investment practice for
- Sound corporate governance practices.
- Stable dividend policy.
- Transparent executive remuneration.
- CEO’s statement (page 04)
- CFO’s review (page 40)
- Our performance (page 23)
- Governance review (page 56)
- AFS 2016
- Sustainability report 2016
Employees |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Their skills and involvement
determine our ability to realise
our vision of best network, best
value, best service.
- Career development.
- Improved knowledge sharing across
the Group.
- Simplicity, agility and engagement.
- Building skills in line with the future
business growth.
- Being appropriately remunerated for
their service.
- Sustainability report 2016
Suppliers |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Impact on our ability to
cost-effectively provide
products and services.
- Timely payment and fair terms.
- Improving health and safety standards.
- Partnering on environmental solutions.
- Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)
- Sustainability report 2016
- Business integrity
- Promoting BEE in South Africa
Communities |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Add to the longer-term
viability of our markets by
strengthening the
socioeconomic context in
which we operate.
- Access to mobile voice and data services.
- Access to basic services such as finance,
health and education.
- Investment in infrastructure.
- Responsible expansion of infrastructure.
- Sustainability report 2016
- Delivering social value
- Promoting BEE in South Africa
- Responsible environmental management
Business partners |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- One of the most important
ways we interact with our
customers is through our
business partners. As
custodians of our brand and
reputation, how they engage
and deliver service is critical to
our objective of excellent
customer service across all
touch points.
- Fair treatment.
- Top management involvement with
- A consistent customer experience.
- Making it simpler and quicker to deal
with us.
- Sustainability report 2016
- Delivering social value
- Promoting BEE in South Africa
- Responsible environmental management
Media |
Material relationships |
Material interests |
Our response |
- Plays a role in keeping
Vodacom stakeholders
informed of business
developments, new products
and services and the impact of
our business operations.
- Being informed of key activities and
- Transparency.