Remuneration report

Remuneration Committee (RemCo)

“Our remuneration philosophy is to reward our executives and our employees for their contribution to our strategic, operating and financial performance, and to ensure that our remuneration is conducive to developing and retaining top talent, critical skills and intellectual capital”.


Thoko Martha Mokgosi-Mwantembe


Thoko Martha Mokgosi-Mwantembe:
Independent non-executive director


David Hugh Brown:
Independent non-executive director

Ronald Adrianus Wilhelmus Schellekens:
Non-executive director


Serpil Timuray:
Non-executive director

 Key responsibilities

  • Determine, agree and develop Vodacom’s remuneration policy and philosophy;
  • Determine and agree the remuneration and overall compensation package for the CEO, CFO, executive directors and prescribed officers;
  • Ensure that competitive reward strategies and programmes are in place to facilitate the recruitment, motivation and retention of high-performance staff at all levels in support of realising corporate objectives and to safeguard stakeholder interests;
  • Review and recommend to the Board the relevant criteria necessary to measure the performance of executives;
  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws and codes; and
  • Regularly monitor the application of the Group’s remuneration policy to ensure it is appropriate, fair and reasonable from both an internal business perspective, as well as an external market perspective.

Committee meetings

The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer and executives responsible for the Group’s remuneration attend the meetings by invitation, but recuse themselves for discussions and decisions regarding their own remuneration.

The RemCo seeks and considers advice from independent remuneration advisors where appropriate. In this context, Vasdex Associates were retained to provide in depth external advice to the committee on matters of remuneration governance and practice.

Feedback from the Remuneration Committee Chairman

The year proved challenging for our senior leadership team given the dynamics with competitor organisations. We bid farewell to Ivan Dittrich, Group CFO and Romeo Khumalo, COO International Business. They were replaced by Till Streichert and Vivek Mathur respectively.

The RemCo keeps abreast of market trends in the industry and continues to monitor regulatory and governance changes such as the retirement funding reforms and the pending King IV Code. Amendments to our policies will be made where necessary and appropriate.

Following various role changes and the way in which the Executive Committee functions in terms of its Board approved mandate, Vodacom sought legal advice as to the definition of a prescribed officer. The outcome of this legal review was that the Chief Officer roles of Consumer, Enterprise and International operations met the definition as set out in the Companies Act, but the support functions of Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, Customer Operations, Legal and Regulatory, Technology, and Strategy and New Business, while of a senior nature, did not. The disclosure for prescribed officers in this remuneration report reflects the outcome of this legal review.

Prescribed officer disclosure

  • Chief Executive Officer (executive director);
  • Chief Financial Officer (executive director);
  • Chief Officer: Consumer Business Unit;
  • Chief Officer: Enterprise Business Unit; and
  • Chief Operating Officer: International Business.

Thoko Martha Mokgosi-Mwantembe

Chairman of the Remuneration Committee


The RemCo had four formal meetings during the year. Beside these meetings, there were frequent discussions by conference call. The main agenda items and discussion points at the formal meetings were as follows:

  Meeting   9 Sep 2015
  May 2015  
  • Executive remuneration packages for 2015/2016
  • Variable remuneration awards
  • Targets for 2015 LTI awards
  • 2015 Directors’ remuneration report
  September 2015  
  • Commission policy review
  • Impact of retirement reform
  • Review of LTI scheme
  November 2015  
  • Impact of retirement reform
  • Prescribed officer disclosure
  March 2016  
  • Approval of annual remuneration review percentage
  • Executive pay benchmarking

Section 1

Remuneration policy

This section of the report sets out Vodacom’s remuneration policy for non-executive directors, executive directors and prescribed officers. It describes how the policy has been implemented and what we consider when determining our policy, and it provides a description of each of the reward elements we offer to our executives and employees. We also disclose payments made to non-executive and executive directors and prescribed officers during the year under review.

Our overall reward philosophy ensures that executive directors and other executives are fairly rewarded for their individual contribution to the Group’s operating and financial performance. Individual performance is determined through our talent and performance management processes, the outcome of which influences the award of short- and long-term incentives.

Each element of our remuneration structure is aligned to shareholder value and appropriately linked to our business strategy.

Vodacom reward framework

The objective of Vodacom’s reward programme is to support the Group in attracting and retaining high quality talent, while at the same time motivating individual and team performance that drives stakeholder value.

Vodacom’s reward framework comprises financial and non-financial elements and is applied to all employees, including the Group’s executive directors and prescribed officers.

Vodacom reward framework

We adopt a holistic approach to reward encompassing the following elements:

  • Guaranteed package which includes basic salary and benefits;
  • Variable remuneration which includes short- and long-term incentives;
  • Various recognition programmes;
  • Growth and development opportunities for all our employees;
  • Progressive talent management programmes; and
  • Well-designed wellness programmes.

Summary of our remuneration structure

        Purpose and link to Strategy     Operation
  Guaranteed package (GP)    
  • To attract and retain the best talent.
  • GPs are reviewed annually in July and delivered in 12 payments.
  • Reflects the individual’s competence and skills, and the scope and nature of the role.
  • Internal and external equity.
  • Provides competitive pay and rewards performance.
  Short-term incentive (STI)    
  • To drive a high-performance culture.
  • Motivates and rewards achievement of business and individual performance.
  • Keeps employees focused on the defined business imperatives.
  • The financial measures are designed to both drive our growth strategies while also focusing on improving operating efficiencies.
  • Variable – usually paid in cash in June each year for performance over the prior financial year.
  • Directly linked to both business and individual performance.
  • Reviewed annually to ensure measures and weighting drive the right behaviours and support the business strategy.
  Long-term incentive (LTI)    
  • Drives sustainable longer term performance.
  • Retention of key skills by linking performance to long-term value creation.
  • Encourages loyalty and ownership, by aligning the interests of executives to those of the Group and its shareholders.
  • Wealth creation.
  • Variable in the form of forfeitable shares which vest over a three-year period and dividends.
  • Reviewed annually to ensure measures and weighting drive the right behaviours and support the business strategy.
  • Depending on role, a varying percentage of the award vests based on the achievement of company performance targets.
  Retirement funding    
  • To remain competitive in the market.
  • Employee financial security.
  • All contributions are included in the GP.
  • Both the pension and provident funds are defined contribution funds.
  • Flexible contribution rates.
  Flexible benefit programmes    
  • Our flexible benefit programmes offer employees a variety of choices to meet personal needs and position us as an employer of choice.
  • Integrated approach to drive employee engagement.
  • Costs are included in GP.
  • Provide quality health and wellness benefits.
  • Financial protection in the event of illness, disability or death.
  Recognition programmes    
  • Programmes designed as a platform for employee recognition.
  • Formal recognition programmes that recognise employees for living the Vodacom Way and focusing on customer experience.
  Other programmes    
  • Position Vodacom as an employer of choice.
  • Access to lifestyle benefits such as staff discounts, preferential insurance rates, etc.
  • Cellphone benefits.
  • Maternity and paternity leave benefits.
  • Annual executive health checks.

The RemCo reviews the total pay mix of executives every year and decides on the proportion of total remuneration paid as part of the guaranteed package, or as short- and long-term incentives. Each element is linked to creating shareholder value and the strategic progress made in the year. The RemCo reviews targets and the on-target values for each element every year to ensure that it remains relevant, drives the right behaviours, and enhances overall shareholder value.

The pay mix for the CEO and prescribed officers is shown below:

Reward benchmarking

Fair and competitive reward is vital to being an employer of choice. Our executive remuneration is benchmarked against data provided by national remuneration surveys, as well as information disclosed in the directors’ remuneration reports. Our RemCo reviews peer group data from the JSE telecommunications, ICT sectors and other listed companies, using a weighted combination of market capitalisation, turnover, capital assets and number of employees, when setting the total remuneration and the guaranteed packages of executives.

Drawing comparisons with these sectors mitigates the risk of losing skilled executives to competitors and is useful in setting the Group’s remuneration strategy.

For benchmarking below Executive levels, Vodacom uses market information from PwC Remchannel for our South African market and Mercer Global Remuneration Solutions for our non-South African operating markets.

Guaranteed package (GP)

Vodacom applies a total cost to company philosophy referred to as the guaranteed package. All employees, including executive directors, receive a GP based on their roles, individual performance and Group performance. Within the context of this GP, Vodacom offers a selection of benefits that are both best practice and compliant with legislative practices. All contributions to retirement, risk and insured benefits and healthcare benefits are included in the GP.

We do our annual pay review on the 1st of July each year taking into account the changes in the economic environment and movements in the external market. Increases in the GP for employees are based on a review of market information, consideration of individual performance and pay levels, and the business priorities of the Group.

All permanent employees, including executive directors and prescribed officers, are required to join the Vodacom Group Pension Fund, a defined contribution pension fund. Executives also participate in the Vodacom Group Executive Provident Fund, which is also a defined contribution fund. Employees have the option to choose their level of contribution to the pension fund, and also have the option to choose where they would like their money to be invested based on their own individual risk profile. Contributions are based on pensionable salary, which is defined as 70% of GP.

Besides the retirement fund contributions, lump sum contributions may also be made as part of the short-term incentive payment.

The normal retirement age for executive directors and other executives is 60 years. For all other employees it is 65 years.

Employees can choose to participate in a nominated medical aid scheme. Although membership of a medical aid scheme is voluntary, we always urge employees to carefully consider the risk of any major medical expense. The nominated schemes available to choose from were chosen for cost effectiveness and to address the needs of the diverse Vodacom workforce. Vodacom does not offer post-retirement medical benefits and has no such liabilities.

In the unfortunate event of an employee’s death, we will make sure that their dependants and beneficiaries are well taken care of. The employee’s beneficiaries will receive a lump sum amount of three times the employee’s annual pensionable salary (core cover). If the employee had a qualifying spouse and/or qualifying children upon death, a spouse’s pension of 40% of monthly pensionable salary and a child’s pension of 10% of monthly pensionable salary becomes payable. The scheme also covers the costs of children’s education.

All employees have the option to select additional death cover of up to seven times their annual pensionable salary, inclusive of the compulsory core cover of three times annual pensionable salary. These additional contributions are calculated as a percentage of pensionable salary.

In the event that an executive or an employee becomes unable to perform their duties as a result of disability, they will receive a monthly income of 75% of their monthly pensionable salary. The disability premiums are also funded from the GP.

All employees, including executive directors and prescribed officers, with the exception of those employees who are on a commission, quarterly or bi-annual bonus structure, participate in an annual short-term incentive plan. Incentive payments are discretionary, and payments made under the plan are dependent on both business and personal performance. Payments are delivered in cash in June each year after finalisation of Vodacom Group’s consolidated annual financial results and no deferral is applied.

Short-term incentives (STI)

Our incentive plans used to reward the performance of our executive directors, prescribed officer and senior managers include measures linked to our key performance indicators. The bonus pay-out for the 2016 financial year was dependent upon performance across three financial measures (service revenue, EBITDA and adjusted free cash flow) and one strategic measure (customer appreciation assessment). The financial measures each have an equal weight of 20% and customer appreciation 40%. The customer appreciation assessment was based on a market-by-market assessment of measures, including NPS performance, relative revenue market share and brand consideration.

The weighting for each measure is detailed below:

% weighting 2016      2017
Service revenue 20%   20%   
EBITDA 20%   20%   
Operating free cash flow 20%   20%   
Competitive performance 40%   40%   

As in previous reports, we will disclose the details of our STI targets; however, as these are commercially sensitive, we will only disclose the targets in the report following completion of the financial year.

The on-target and bonus cap percentages are set out below:

Role On-target %    Maximum %   
CEO 100%   200%   
Executive director 60%   180%   
Prescribed officers 50% – 60%   150% – 180%   

Where annual targets are achieved in full, 100% of the on-target bonus will be paid. In instances where target goals are exceeded, more than 100% of the on-target bonus is paid, but in all cases the cash bonus is capped at a percentage of the GP. Where the bonus targets are not achieved in full, a pro rata bonus is paid only if the threshold performance level has been achieved.

The formula for determining the CEO’s cash bonus is:

The business performance multiplier ranges from 0% to 200%, and the personal multiplier from 0% to 150%. The personal performance multipliers are based on the performance of executives relative to their objectives. For the CEO, only a business multiplier is applied and follows the approach adopted by Vodafone for large market CEOs within the Vodafone Group. The financial and non-financial targets, as set by the RemCo, are used for the calculation of the business performance multiplier.

The Group business performance multiplier is used for the CEO and executive directors. For prescribed officers, the business performance multiplier is based on a weighted average of the multipliers for the relevant operating company and the Group.

STI pay-out

In the table below we disclose our achievement against each of the performance measures for the Group performance multiplier for the financial year ended
31 March 2016.

STI pay-out

The comparable performance for the prior financial year that ended 31 March 2015 was 50.9%.

Long-term incentive (LTI)

It is critical for the company to retain skills and to motivate and incentivise executive directors and other employees over the longer term. LTIs support the company to meet these objectives, which are crucial to sustainable performance.

Vodacom Forfeitable Share Plan (FSP)

The FSP was introduced in 2009 and is our main long-term incentive plan. Although it is focused on executives and senior management, other employees may be selected to participate. Non-executive directors are not eligible to participate.

The purpose of the FSP is to provide executives and other selected employees with the opportunity to earn shares in Vodacom Group Limited, by way of a forfeitable share award. This means that participants receive shares (including dividend and voting rights) on the date of the award, but those shares are subject to restrictions and risk of forfeiture during a three-year vesting period. FSP awards are granted annually.

Awards are made to qualifying staff using a combination of Vodacom and Vodafone performance and retention shares.

CEO 0%   100%   0%1  
Executive director 33%   33%   33%  
Prescribed officer 33%   33%   33%  

1. The CEO participates in a co-investment arrangement for Vodafone shares described in more detail on click here.

The portion of the forfeitable award which is subject to meeting performance targets is weighted as follows for the current outstanding awards:

Performance period Measures applied   
2014 – 2017 Cumulative operating free cash flow (70%)  
  Total shareholder return (30%)  
2015 – 2018 Cumulative operating free cash flow (70%)  
  Total shareholder return (30%)  
2016 – 2019 Cumulative operating free cash flow (70%)  
  Total shareholder return (30%)  

The vesting percentage of the June 2013 allocation for executive directors and prescribed officers is 90.2% of target.

Award levels

For the CEO, executive director and prescribed officers, the standard on-target value of FSP awards (as a percentage of GP at target level) is reflected in the next table. For executive directors and prescribed officers, the standard awards may be multiplied by 0% to 200% to set an annual award, based on the performance and potential of the individual.

Role 2016
value %
value %
CEO1 90%   90%   
Executive director 70%   60%   
Prescribed officers2 50% or 70%   45% or 60%   

1. Further long-term incentives, in addition to the standard annual award above, are offered to Mr Shameel Aziz Joosub provided that he meets an annual co-investment requirement, which are all subject to performance conditions.

The additional incentives offered and associated conditions are:

  • An additional award of Vodacom performance shares with an on-target value of 50% of his GP, provided that he invests in Vodacom shares to the value of 50% of his GP; and
  • An additional award of Vodafone performance shares with an on-target value of 50% of his GP, provided that he invests in Vodafone shares to the value of 50% of his GP. Mr Shameel Aziz Joosub may only take advantage of the additional Vodafone share award if he has met the full Vodacom co-investment requirement. His investment in both Vodacom and Vodafone shares must be on an ever-increasing basis to qualify for the additional awards.
2. The Remuneration Committee reviewed and approved an increase in the on-target allocation percentage for prescribed officers.

Vesting of awards

For executive directors and prescribed officers, the vesting of awards with performance conditions is 20% at threshold, 50% at target, and up to 100% at maximum performance.

Vodafone Performance Share Plan

The CEO and the prescribed officers participate in the Vodafone Performance Share Plan. This plan has two performance conditions: adjusted free cash flow and relative total shareholder return (TSR) against a peer group median. Vesting is based on meeting these conditions after a three-year performance period.

This is to provide alignment and synergy with the Group’s parent company Vodafone Group Plc, which the RemCo believes is also in the interests of the Vodacom Group’s shareholders. The portion of total variable pay (STI and LTI) related to Vodafone performance is not excessive for the prescribed officers and the Group’s own performance remains the critical driver of variable pay.

Shareholding guidelines

The Board wishes to encourage individual shareholding in the Company by executives, as a tangible demonstration of their commitment to the Group and to align with shareholder interests. Executives are thus required to hold the following minimum personal shareholdings:

Role Minimum holding   
Executive director 100% x GP   
Prescribed officers 50% x GP   

The CEO is required to make substantial investments in company shares to qualify for his co-investment share awards, as described previously, and as a result he is not covered by these shareholding guidelines.

As an incentive to exceed the minimum requirements, additional awards of FSP performance shares will be made to executives who exceed the minimum requirements over a three-year vesting cycle, being six years. The participants will be granted a performance share for every three additional shares held. This award will be capped so that holdings of no more than double the minimum requirements will be recognised. The time period over which the executives are permitted to build up this shareholding is based on the vesting of three cycles of the annual awards under the FSP plan.

Executive contracts and policies

Executives have permanent employment contracts with six-month notice periods, which came into effect in November 2009. Prior to this, executives had a two-year rolling contract, entitling them to one year’s guaranteed pay for every four years of service up to a maximum of 16 years on termination of employment (conditional benefit). This benefit was subject to a 12-month notice period.

The benefit that accrued up to 26 November 2009 was based on the number of years of service payable on termination of employment. Apart from money market interest, no further termination benefits accrued after this date.

Executives who have a conditional benefit in terms of their previous service contract had the option to convert a portion or all of their benefit to shares for the purpose of meeting the shareholding guidelines. These shares (‘restricted shares’) are subject to the same conditions as those of the underlying conditional benefit. The majority of our executives have converted their benefits.

The YeboYethu Employee Participation Trust (YeboYethu)

In July 2008, YeboYethu acquired 3.44% of Vodacom South Africa in our R7.5 billion BBBEE transaction. All permanent South African employees were able to participate in the Trust. Of the 1.875 billion units available to the Trust, 75% was allocated to employees on 1 September 2008. The remaining 25% was set aside for future employees on a sliding scale over the next five years. On 1 September 2014, the last of the available units were allocated to employees. The allocation is weighted 70/30 in favour of black employees.

The units will be converted into YeboYethu shares in March 2019.

Non-executive directors

Our business benefits from active non-executive directors who do a lot more than attend meetings. Non-executive directors, therefore, receive a yearly fee for their services on the Board and committees rather than a fee for meetings attended.

The Board considered the King III recommendation that fees for non-executive directors comprise a base fee, as well as an attendance fee per meeting. In light of the current non-executives’ attendance record it has been decided not to change the current policy of a set annual fee. This policy will be reviewed annually with due consideration of attendance records.

If non-executive directors are requested to leave there is no contractual compensation for loss of office. Non-executive directors do not receive short- or long-term incentives.

Our memorandum of incorporation states that shareholders must approve these fees at the AGM.

The annual fee paid to the Chairman of the Board includes all committee fees.


Details of the beneficial interests of directors and prescribed officers in the Company’s ordinary shares, excluding interests in the long-term incentive plans, are set out in the directors’ report online on

Funding of share plans and dilution

Details of the shares used for the FSP and the related dilution are set out in the consolidated annual financial statements and the directors’ report, which is available on All awards granted under the FSP are settled through the purchase of treasury shares or shares purchased in the market and not by newly issued shares.

Section 2

2016 Remuneration tables

In this section we summarise the actual remuneration packages paid to our Executive directors and Prescribed officers compared to 2015. The annual guaranteed package for Executive directors and Prescribed Officers are set out in the tables below. These amounts are based on the annualised value of the monthly package in March 2016.

Executive directors 2016
MS Aziz Joosub 8 000 000   7 300 000   9.6  
T Streichert1 (GBP) 315 445      

Prescribed officers 2016
V Jarana 4 000 000   3 650 000   9.6  
V Mathur2 (INR) 24 186 327      

1. Appointed 1 August 2015.
2. Appointed 16 November 2015.

Remuneration tables1

R GP   Other2   Short-term
Executive directors                
MS Aziz Joosub 7 825 000   3 600   13 968 000   21 796 600  
IP Dittrich4 1 595 208   6 117 225     7 712 433  
T Streichert (GBP)5 210 334   41 998   188 743   441 075  
T Streichert (ZAR)5   1 094 673     1 094 673  
MS Aziz Joosub 7 212 500   4 800   3 715 700   10 933 000  
IP Dittrich4 4 701 000   4 800   1 541 316   6 247 116  
Prescribed officers                
R Kumalo6 608 333   3 650 800     4 259 133  
V Jarana 3 912 500   6 180     5 031 480  
G Motsa 3 037 500   4 290     3 041 790  
V Mathur7 (INR) 8 854 981   2 176 076   5 008 369   16 039 426  
V Mathur7 (ZAR)   1 025 657     1 025 657  
R Kumalo6 3 600 000   4 800   655 620   4 260 420  
P Patel (HKD) 2 926 500   2 927 410   1 117 844   6 971 754  
P Patel (ZAR)   1 474 530     1 474 530  
V Jarana 3 587 500   4 800   1 545 812   5 138 112  

1. This table includes actual payments for the year and excludes the settlement of long-term incentives and accruals.
2. This includes the Vodacom mobile phone benefit and resignation/termination benefits. For assignees this amount includes the gross value of assignment allowances, accommodation, medical insurance and education benefits for children.
3. These amounts relate to the bonus payable in June 2016, for the year ended 31 March 2016.
4. Resigned 31 July 2015.
5. Appointed as executive director on 1 August 2015.
6. Resigned 31 May 2015.
7. Appointed 16 November 2015.

Long-term incentives and benefits

Details of the conditional benefits and long-term incentives at 31 March 2016 are disclosed below:

settled in
current year
forfeited in
current year
MS Aziz Joosub                    
Conditional benefit – restricted shares                    
2014 208 610 208 610 160.53 33 488 163 ZAR
FSP – with company performance conditions2
2014 193 182 193 182 80.27 15 506 719 ZAR
2015 148 570 148 570 80.27 11 925 714 ZAR
2016 168 608 168 608 80.27 13 534 164 ZAR
YeboYethu units                    
2008 2 628 498 2 628 498 0.20 525 700 ZAR
2016 876 862 876 862 0.20 175 372 ZAR
Vodafone co-investment requirements and matching award
In terms of the CEO co-investment requirement, the CEO made the following investments in Vodafone shares:
2014 94 657                  
2015 95 863                  
2016 84 360                  
Vodafone made a matching award of performance shares to the equivalent value. The Vodafone matching award will vest based on actual target achieved. For 2014 the range is 0% – 300%; 2015: 0% – 250% and 2016 : 0% – 250%. The actual amount vested will be disclosed at the the time of vesting. For the 2013 matching award 0% of the shares vested.
Executives receive dividend payments on the FSP shares held from the award date.
1. For FSP and Vodafone shares with performance conditions, a vesting percentage of 50% is applied.
2. The CEO met his Vodacom co-investment requirement and these shares therefore include the Vodacom matching awards.

settled in
current year
forfeited in
current year
V Jarana                    
Conditional benefit                    
Conditional benefit – restricted shares
2014 26 208 26 208   160.53 4 207 170 ZAR
FSP – no company performance conditions
2013 5 236 5 236 133.21 June 2015 697 488  
2014 6 534 6 534   160.53 1 048 903 ZAR
2015 3 789 3 789   160.53 608 248 ZAR
2016 5 699 5 699   160.53 914 860 ZAR
FSP – with company performance conditions
2013 9 833 5 130 4 703 133.21 June 2015 683 367  
2014 18 736 18 736   80.27 1 503 939 ZAR
2015 7 577 7 577   80.27 608 206 ZAR
2016 11 398 11 398   80.27 914 917 ZAR
Vodafone shares – no performance conditions
2014 11 133 11 133   2.21 24 626 GBP
Vodafone shares – with performance conditions
2014 22 266 22 266   1.11 24 626 GBP
2015 29 016 29 016   1.11 32 092 GBP
2016 25 630 25 630   1.11 28 347 GBP
YeboYethu units
2008 1 567 336 1 567 336   0.20 313 467 ZAR
2016 522 860 522 860   0.20 104 572 ZAR
T Streichert
Vodafone shares – no performance conditions
2014 25 492 25 492   2.21 56 388 GBP
2015 17 871 17 871   2.21 39 531 GBP
2016 17 392 17 392   2.21 38 471 GBP
Vodafone shares – with performance conditions
2014 50 985 50 985   1.11 56 389 GBP
2015 71 478 71 478   1.11 79 055 GBP
2016 69 562 69 562   1.11 76 936 GBP
V Mathur                    
Vodafone shares – no performance conditions
2014 36 839 36 839   2.21 81 488 GBP
2015 24 566 24 566   2.21 54 340 GBP
2016 21 471 21 471   2.21 47 494 GBP
Vodafone shares – with performance conditions
2014 73 679 73 679   1.11 81 489 GBP
2015 98 258 98 258   1.11 108 673 GBP
2016 85 874 85 874   1.11 94 977 GBP

Payments to non-executive directors

Name Director fee
  Social and
  Social and
MP Moyo 2 066 667                   2 066 667  
DH Brown1 353 334   283 334       128 334         75 000   840 002  
HMG Dowidar2, 3 173 334                   173 334  
M Joseph4 353 334                 25 000   378 334  
BP Mabelane1 353 334     156 667               510 001  
TM Mokgosi-Mwantembe1 353 334       226 667     118 334         698 335  
PJ Moleketi1 353 334     156 667         195 000     25 000   730 001  
M Pieters2, 4, 5 180 000                   180 000  
JWL Otty4 353 334                 25 000   378 334  
RAW Schellekens4 353 334         128 334   118 334     113 334     713 336  
S Timuray4 353 334         128 334   118 334       25 000   625 002  
  5 246 673   283 334   313 334   226 667   385 002   355 002   195 000   113 334   175 000   7 293 346  

1. Independent non-executive directors received an amount of R3 000 or R5 000 in March 2016, for incidental expenses while travelling to Board meetings held in Spain.
2. Fees for a portion of the year.
3. HMG Dowidar resigned 30 September 2015.
4. Fees paid to Vodafone and not the individual director.
5. M Pieters appointed 1 October 2015.

Name Director fee
  Social and
  Social and
MP Moyo   1 900 000     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     1 900 000  
DH Brown1 330 000   243 333       120 000         50 000   743 333  
YZ Cuba1, 2, 3 188 334     84 167               272 501  
HMG Dowidar4 330 000                 75 000   405 000  
M Joseph4 330 000                 125 000   455 000  
BP Mabelane1, 2, 5 113 334     50 000               163 334  
TM Mokgosi-Mwantembe1   330 000     –     –     210 000     –     110 000     –     –     –     650 000  
PJ Moleketi1 330 000     146 667         183 333       660 000  
JWL Otty4 330 000                 125 000   455 000  
RAW Schellekens4 330 000         120 000   110 000     106 667     666 667  
S Timuray4 330 000         120 000   110 000       125 000   685 000  
  4 841 668   243 333   280 834   210 000   360 000   330 000   183 333   106 667   500 000   7 005 835  

1. Independent non-executive directors received an amount of R2 000 in April 2014 and R3 000 in March 2015 for incidental expenses while travelling to Board meetings held in Turkey and the United Kingdom respectively.
2. Fees for a portion of the year.
3. YZ Cuba resigned 31 October 2014.
4. Fees paid to Vodafone and not the individual director.
5. BP Mabelane appointed 1 December 2014.